Promotional materials play a vital role in marketing and brand awareness campaigns. These items serve as a means to connect with customers, build brand loyalty and leave a lasting impression. Swag creates a sense of value and appreciation among recipients, fostering a positive association with the brand. It acts as a physical reminder of the company or product, keeping it top-of-mind and increasing the likelihood of repeat business or referrals.
Swag can generate brand exposure beyond the initial recipient, as they may showcase or share the items with others, effectively extending the reach of the brand’s message. By carefully selecting and distributing swag that aligns with the brand identity and resonates with the target audience, businesses can leverage these promotional materials to enhance their marketing efforts, increase brand recognition, and cultivate a loyal customer base.
By now you should have a good idea of why different types of promotional materials are important. You’ll now be able to order your materials. Stick to what you feel your audience will be interested in, and look at reviews for all merchandise before you buy. We’ve put a checkmark next to the companies we’ve used and were happy with. As for the rest, do your research! Ready, set, order!

Business Cards
VistaPrint ✓
Moo Cards
NextDayFlyers ✓
Sticker Robot ✓
Handouts / Flyers
VistaPrint ✓
FedEx, Staples, Office Max, etc. ✓
Many materials can be purchased from one company. Here are some other promotional materials you might be interested in that are not company-specific.